Sunday, June 01, 2008

Penal Substitutionary Atonement....7 Year Old-Style

This week my middle child Haddon got in trouble for saying something he shouldn't have. The punishment was vinegar in the mouth (a result of his third "infraction" for the same bad behavior for the day). My eldest son Thatcher, seeing that his younger brother was about to suffer, piped up and said, "Mommy may I please take Haddon's punishment?"

"Why would you want to do that?" Jennefer inquired.

"Because it makes me sad to see my brother punished," he replied.

So she went ahead and gave Thatcher the cap full of vinegar on the tongue.

I don't know if Jen or I have had an easier "pitch" to hit in pointing out the beauty of the Gospel to my kids than that moment.

Oh and by the way, I'm baptizing Thatcher this Wednesday.


Kristen said...

Your kids sound so amazing. I wish I had stayed in the area longer and had them in the 2 year old class :) Or was able to come and visit.

Anonymous said...

What a blessing Thatcher seems to be! Either that, or he really likes vinegar. :)

(aka Anita)