Sunday, June 01, 2008


One thing I've been consistent that my hairstyles have never been consistent. Some guys have had the same cut since 5th grade. I've had five different types of cuts in one grade. I dunno. I guess I get easily bored.

I remember growing my hair out a couple years back and someone asked our Lead Pastor if he minded my long hair. He replied, "It really doesn't matter what I think, he'll get tired of it and change before you know it." I must say he knows me well.

Tonight I was running through a file (mind you, one small computer folder file) with random photos and amusingly noticed how many different hairstyles I've had within a short period of time. Feel free to laugh...

*Click to enlarge photo


Tim Barosh said...

I didn't notice your hair because of your incredibly perfect white teeth. You're a superstar man!

CCCC said...

Too funny! You've reminded me I'm in need of a good whitening. My last one was about six years ago. Hey, by the way, thanks for leading at my church. Once again our people felt really blessed by it.

Andy said...

Dude, the last thing you need is a good whitening. You couldn't be more white, just like me. BTW, go with the fro on the far right. It's definitely your best look. Or better yet, just listen to your wife. She should make all those decisions for you, since she is the only one who matters.

SurrenderedMan said...

Scarey,mannn...Verrry Scarey. Kidding bro,as you know. I love your passion and humor,and penchant for change. It's what makes you..wel..umm..Yancey. :O)