Friday, December 21, 2007

Piper on the Prosperity Gospel

I'm a huge John Piper fan. In fact I finished his "What Jesus Demands from the World" this past Wednesday - what a wonderful reflection on the words of Jesus in the Gospels. Piper's passion for Christ is inescapable and God uses his words, more times than not, as a salve for my soul...and at times a scalpel.

Also, in our nation where most think of one church (I'll let you's not hard) when Houston is mentioned, let it be known that most of us haven't swallowed the "Health & Wealth" Kool-Aid and have warned our flocks of this damning teaching. So while these words stand on their own, you could put my name (and a countless number of H-Town pastors) right there with Piper's.

(HT: Keystrokes of a Worship Pastor)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow!!!! What an impactful message !